Custom Built Fixed Pattern Drill, Ream and Tap Heads
Multiple Spindle Heads for drilling, tapping, reaming, polishing and brush turning, product spinning, etc. can often be made to the exact pattern and custom design you desire.
AutoDrill has customers using custom multi-drill heads all over the globe. In some cases, the multi prong tool heads were made with as many as 40 or more spindles. The most common design is a four spindle drill head but AutoDrill will make a single off-set head or a head with as many spindles as you need. The best way to find out if your application can benefit from a many spindle aggregate head or a cluster boring head is to CONTACT US and talk to one of our application engineers. If we can help you, we will provide a quotation to you with no obligation whatsoever.
Fixed heads are available in ER8, ER11, ER16, ER20, ER25, ER32, ER40, ER50, ASA (automotive), Male Jacobs Taper, motor shaft, 7/16-14 threaded, 10mm female “European” style as well as many other spindle styles.
Below Are Some Examples of Custom Multiple Spindle Drill Head Applications:
low Are Some Examples of Custom Multiple Spindle Drill Head Applications:
- How to Power a MultiDrill (Cluster Drill) Head
- Three Spindle Offset Aggregate Drill Head
- Multi Drill Spindle Automatic Fixture
- Motor Driven Three Spindle Drill Head
- Multiple Spindle Drilling Head for Different Size Drills
- Multiple Spindle Tapping Heads for Different Pitch Taps
- Tap Two Holes at Once with Self-Reversing Feature
- Vertical Mill (i.e. Bridgeport Mill and clones) Applications
- Large Seven Spindle Rail Drill Head
- Adjustable Drill Head Equipped with Key-Type Chucks
- Motor-Type Shafts on Custom Drill Spindle Head
- Custom Drill Head Made Just for Candle Wicks
- Nine Spindle Valve Adjustment Head
- Wide Multiple Spindle Head with Rod Guides For Additional Stabilization
- Multi-Drill Spindle Heads for the Typical Drill Press