From a Crushing Challenge to Crushing the Competition
In Millington, NJ there is a company called Jersey Crusher. Jersey Crusher is an OEM who designs and builds Lumpbusters for customers around the world. Lump Busters are used in various industries on products such as chemicals, pharmaceutical products, fertilizers, spices, minerals, sugars, drugs, grains, food products, foundry by products, and other commodities that tend to lump or agglomerate in storage or from production processes. Recently, they have broken into the “green” movement by offering a machine that breaks up glass bottles and makes recycling storage and processing much more efficient. Because of this, their products are in high demand and the company’s employees stay extremely busy meeting their customers’ needs.
A few months ago, there were thousands of parts waiting to be drilled and tapped in their shop. Drilling one hole at a time with 10 holes in each part means tens of thousands of holes were waiting to be drilled and tapped. As you can imagine, their drill press was set up with the highest quality tooling and was set to run as fast as possible. The high speed drilling and tapping operations meant the tooling was flying in and out of the holes as quickly as possible… Yet they couldn’t keep up. Taps were sometimes jammed into and yanked out of the parts. This often damaged the lead-in threads or even the tooling. At other times, drill tooling would be slammed into the workpiece accidentally causing premature wear or damage to the tool.
For Jersey Crusher, the race was on to complete all the parts and everyone there agreed that they would not finish in a winning position. They all knew that there had to be a better way… Their commitment to quality did not allow them to continue on in the same way for very much longer and certainly didn’t allow them to simply multiply the problems by adding more capacity with similar tooling solutions.
The answer was that they needed to produce more and better parts at a faster rate. They thought about hiring more people and buying more drill press machines but the thought of additional payroll, insurance costs, and training left them nervous and stuck in a tough situation. They searched around for a simple, cost-effective solution that would allow them to increase not only production numbers, but the quality of their product. …That is when they looked next door to their friends at AutoDrill.
AutoDrill thrives when a customer comes to them with a mass produced part that requires many holes to be drilled or tapped. Whether it is an automatic drill set-up or a highly efficient multiple spindle product, their solutions meet the needs of many customers in similar situations as Jersey Crusher.
The efficient and simple, yet effective design of AutoDrill’s products makes implementing their single or multiple spindle drills and tapping machines into production lines and manufacturing processes very easy. One of the benefits of a multiple spindle set-up for production drilling and tapping is the stability of the work piece. When using a drill press set-up, there is a much lower danger of a piece breaking free from its clamps and spinning. The part simply can not rotate around the axis of a single hole when more than one tool is engaged. In high volume production runs where automatic clamping and fixturing is present, the components can often be sized accordingly for a cost savings and even higher efficiency.
When a properly configured AutoDrill Control Feed Tapper is used, the work piece remains stable (will not lift up off the fixture) during the reverse rotation of the taps. This is because the machine is set to reverse the tooling at the proper speed for the tap to retract from the work with very little thrust being transferred to the part. AutoDrill has even heard of fixtures where a vertical tap station for rigid tap cycles does not use hold down clamping. While this is not suggested, it is the perfect example of how stable the process can be when set up properly.
Multiple spindle drill or tap heads can often be used on stacked parts for even greater efficiency and cost savings. This practice is often dangerous or impossible with a single spindle unit.
Back to Jersey Crusher… The final solution allowed their products to be made in a much safer environment at a much lower cost. The AutoDrill products paid for themselves within a very short period of time. By implementing a multiple spindle head for drilling and tapping on a simple drill press, they were able to meet the needs of their production schedule. The custom pattern head was designed by AutoDrill so that if Jersey Crusher’s business grows even more, it can easily be migrated off the drill press to a self-feeder unit provided by AutoDrill.
Click right here for more information about Jersey Crusher’s products. Who knows, they may get busy enough to order more AutoDrill product because of your order!
Here at AutoDrill, we like to believe we are building great stories, not just great machines…
In the United States, AutoDrill has sold their product into 49 out of 50 states. They have provided products to customers in a multitude of countries on every continent other than Antarctica. They offer sales and service directly out of their offices and shop located less than 50 miles from the heart of New York City and can refer you to distributors in many countries and regions around the world.
You can learn more about AutoDrill products by contacting them.
Toll Free: (800) 871-5022
International: 01.908.542.0244
Email: [email protected]
Please CONTACT US to discuss your application and receive prompt product cost, literature and technical help.